• Do you need a website?

  • You’ve come to the right place

  • We can offer the perfect solution!





Unique design taking into account the customer’s wishes. SEO, technical support. Maintenance and consultations on the website utilization. Our design team will undoubtedly ensure that your website looks and feels right. We provide complete solutions for desktop computers and mobile devices.



Focus on Mac software is a persistent search for the finest UI/UX by optimizing both front and backend of our software. Whether you need a Mac app or a port of a Windows application to OS X – we are ready to help. Our skills of delivering the perfect Mac UI/UX apps to our clients and users are unmatched. We offer extensive expertise in the development of iOS and OS X native apps.



Enterprise mobile apps are recommended when they compliment your business processes. Learn how we can assist you improve your business with mobile. We know how to develop a successful app from scratch. All the software produced by our team of developers is always thoroughly tested by our QA engineers.

If your business is not on the internet, then your business will be out of business

— Bill Gates —


Personalized approach and high quality content

Personalized treatment of every client’s website. Optimized design: visual, structural, and functional. All-around support throughout all development stages, constant contact with the client. Help with domain registration. Setup of email addresses on personal domain. Inexpensive integration and configuration of the elements such as full-site search, subscription forms, contact forms etc. Help with structuring and presentation of textual and graphical content using appropriate and optimal techniques, including media galleries, sliders, and widgets. Social media integration. Multiple language content support.

SEO and technical support

Help with search engine optimization and getting your website indexed by the major search engines. Optional integration of Google Analytics. Mobile-friendliness (correct layout and display on phones and tablets) testing. 12 month of technical support after the project delivery are free of charge. Further admin support and new content addition (low prices for website development clients). We offer the best quality to cost ratio on the market!


COMPANY JAVEDI d.o.o. is a web-design and software development company

COMPANY JAVEDI d.o.o. is a web-design and software development company.
We specialize in development for iOS and OS X and Android platforms. In addition, we create websites of all complexity levels.
As a development studio, we offer support in software development projects: planning and managing a project, providing experts necessary to the objectives of a project and creating professional development team to accomplish the project’s requirements. First-class experts. We are a team of professionals from various fields of the IT industry. Our core team includes professional software developers, managers, technical writers and designers. Most of our team members have over 10 years of experience in developing software products.

We help you identify more opportunities for growing your business

We help you identify more opportunities for growing your business. We are proud of our advanced proven skills in creating great ideas. Yet we are happy to share those ideas with you, our customer. If we identify an untapped opportunity of promoting or improving your product or your business, then we’ll share it with you. We pride ourselves in developing a partnership with our clients for the long term.

We have a highly ethical approach to our business

We have a highly ethical approach to our business. Working with an outsource software development company can be challenging and we are aware of that. On occasion you can find yourself in a situation when you may want to replace your contractor and your software practically disappears as all the code remains with the software development partner. If for any reason you are not satisfied with our work, we will provide you with all the work that has been done for you. Dedicated team. Working with us is a gratifying experience for our clients because we don’t transfer you from one department to another.  You will receive a dedicated Project Manager to oversee all the workflow from start to finish.

If you are looking for a outsource software development partner – feel free to request a Free Quote for your project or contact us today!

Only a fool needs in order – genius dominates the chaos

— Albert Einstein —


We create what’s best for you at the right price, so how about starting away with something small?



from 199 € *
    •   Technical support 1 year
    •   Hosting + SSL certificate 1 year
    •   Home page and 5 subpages
    •   Mobile friendly
    •   Contact form


from 299 € *
    •   Technical support 1 year
    •   Hosting + SSL certificate 1 year
    •   Home page and 10 subpages
    •   Mobile friendly
    •   Contact form
    •   Social media integration
    •   SEO
    •   Google Analytics


from 499 € *
    •   Technical support 1 year
    •   Hosting + SSL certificate 1 year
    •   Home page and 20 subpages
    •   Blog
    •   Up to 20 products included
    •   Mobile friendly
    •   Contact form
    •   Multilingual content
    •   Subscription form
    •   Social media integration
    •   SEO
    •   Google Analytics

* We are not VAT payers

Are you ready for communication?



  • Zavod Vita je dobil novo spletno predstavitev www.istra-nasa.si. Izdelala jo je družba ‘Javedi’. Zelo zadovoljni. Profesionalen pristop, še posebej s tehnične strani in tržne uspešnosti. Izvajalec je poskrbel tudi za vidike, na katere sami nismo bili pozorni. Cilj izvajalca je dober in učinkovit izdelek, s katerim je stranka zadovoljna. Občutek, da nekdo res skrbi za končni dober rezultat projekta. Visoka korektnost skozi celotni čas sodelovanja. Zelo priporočam.


    — Leda Dobrinja —
  • Zelo dobre in profesionalne storitve pri ustvarjanju spletne strani in socialnih medijev. Podjetje Javedi najde in priporoča dobre in inovativne rešitve za spletno stran glede na potrebe strank, prav tako pa upošteva zakonitosti spletnega marketinga. Pri storitvi ima v mislih celostno podobo in predstavo stranke ali strankinega projekta na spletu. K storitvi so vključeni dodatni moderni predlogi in rešitve. Dobra komunikacija s stranko ter hitre in zanesljive storitve. Definitivno 5 zvezdic!!! Zelo priporočeno podjetje!


    — Elida Bussolin —
  • Delo G. Jaroslava pri umetniškem oblikovanju in tehničnih rešitvah za spletne strani je zelo profesionalno. Hitrost pri uvajanju rešitev in pri storitvah je znatna. V vidu ima vedno, kaj bi bilo najboljše za potrebe stranke, in nato to rešitev predlaga. Njegova storitev in tehnične rešitve presegajo golo izdelavo spletnih strani, G. Jaroslav ponudi veliko več – optimizacija, dodatki spletni strani, internetni marketinški pristop… Toplo priporočam vsem!


    — Alberto Bussolin —
  • Jaroslav iz podjetja Javedi (www.javedi.si) je mojster svojega početja. Spletna stran, ki mi jo je izdelal, je pregledna, berljiva, čista in estetska, zelo lepa in zelo moja! Vrhunska tehnična podpora in profesionalno vodenje skozi ves proces nastajanja spletne strani in socialnih omrežij. Sem nadvse zadovoljna, hvaležna in navdušena!!


    — Vlasta Mlakar —
  • G. Jaroslav mi je izdelal čudovito spletno stran. Z največjim zadovoljstvom delim svojo izkušnjo z vami. Je oseba, katera se z vsem srcem ter strokovnim znanjem preda ustvarjanju željenega projekta. Skozi ves proces pa dobronamerno svetuje, je prilagodljiv, natančen, prijazen in zelo učinkovit. Jaroslav, najlepša hvala za vašo izjemno kreacijo.
    Zelo priporočam!


    — Kssena Rubnnik —



admin @ javedi.si

Postojna, Slovenija





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    You can contact us by filling out the form above. We will be happy to help with any questions you may have.

    You can also use the same form to tell us about any issues you may have had with any of the apps developed by JAVEDI d.o.o.
    We do not leave any of our clients’ inquiries without prompt attention, so rest assured that we will respond to you as soon as we receive your message. Though please keep in mind that we are located in a GMT+1 time zone, so we may not always be able to respond immediately.

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